The Global Tribunal of Women Workers
Garment worker from Bangladesh
Left to right: Fishery worker from India, Agriculture worker from Cambodia, Tea plantation worker from Sir Lanka
Each woman represents the work and the country of which her work is demanded of her. 
Hospital Cleaner from Malaysia
Care worker from Zambia
Sex worker from Latin America
Factory worker from China
Domestic worker from the Phillipines
Street vendor from Thailand, sketch to final
Global South Women's Forum 2023 : Border Ctrl


Women living with HIV
Border Surveillance depicting Indigenous people (from Chittagong Hill Tribes - CHT) in Bangladesh.
One of the more personally challenging topics to visualize was surrogacy. The lack of legal recognition of surrogates, intending parents, and children may result in barriers to healthcare and family life, mirroring the struggles of non-citizens. The team at IWRAW and I worked tirelessly to convey the sensitivity of the concept.
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